- Control: Public
- Carnegie Classification: Assoc
- Institution: 2 Year
- Enrollment: 3,000-9,999
2019 Recognition Categories
- Collaborative Governance
- Facilities, Workspace & Security
- Professional/Career Development
- Teaching Environment (Faculty Only)
- Work/Life Balance
What makes your college a great place to work?
Presidential Statement
Blue Ridge Community College is a wonderful place to work because the people care about what they do and why they do it. The College serves a compelling need in our community, and employees do all they can to help our students achieve great success. As a result, we have an atmosphere of caring that pervades the institution and enriches the relationships we have as colleagues and friends. Despite the challenges we sometimes face, people want to work here because we know that together, we can overcome any obstacle to support one other and our students as we strive to serve the educational needs of our community.
Employee Comment
I feel valued for my contribution. I also feel challenged by the work I do and I can take on new responsibility when I desire it.
Vital Statistics
- Combined Administration and Exempt Staff: 73
- Fulltime Faculty: 62
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 45
- Adjunct Count: 110
- Faculty: $61,143
- Administration: $84,783
- Exempt Professional Staff: $50,878
- Non-exempt Staff: $37,492
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 2
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 4
Voluntary Turnover Rate
- 10 Years Recognized
- 7 Years of Honor Roll